Saturday School
Supplementary Education for 6 to 11 year olds
“Childhood is not a dress rehearsal for life, but is life itself and must be lived to its fullest”
Our Saturday supplementary school works to offer affordable additional academic support to local families. The intention is to mitigate the challenges they face through our targeted learning centred around both traditional academia and social engagement and enhancing cultural capital.
Our 3Rs are applied to our Saturday school
At the heart of housing crisis in London are households experiencing overcrowding and other aspects of relating to housing inadequacy. An impact of this is the lack of physical space for studying. In response, our supplementary education offers the respite conditions for learning, through access to desk space and guided learning with teachers.
Engagement with our pupils and their families informs us of the lack of social and cultural capital. To regenerate deficits in esteem and personal development, we provide opportunities for creative engagement, social engagement which informs citizenship and wider exposure to the possibilities the world has to offer.
School trips are focused on whole family participation, which enables the household to engage in activities often outside of scope. In providing the initial lived experience families in the future gain confidence to recreate the activity or engagement in the future. This revolution is reflective of self-actualisation and determination in the course of a family’s personal and social development.
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